Partnerships for Climate Action Symposium

2 November 2023

The Partnerships for Climate Action Symposium, a free, online event was an opportunity for attendees to share diverse perspectives on what it means to create effective, mutually beneficial, authentic and sustainable partnerships for the Asia Pacific region. 

With the first Global Stocktake on the Paris Agreement taking place at the UNFCCC COP28 Dubai (November 2023), it is important to understand how universities can accelerate meaningful Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17). Indeed, universities have a leadership role to play in creating diverse partnerships to work hand-in-hand with communities, and train the next generation of professionals to create climate solutions. 

This collaboration brought together a diverse group of people with participants hearing from experts in the tertiary sector, government, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), local communities, youth, and First Nations people.  

In Session One, participants heard insights from Fleur Newman of the UNFCCC , Professor Marcia McKenzie of the University of Melbourne, Kaeden Watts of Te Waka Angamua and Wellington City Council, and Professor Victoria Keener of NOAA Pacific RISA, Arizona State University. Chaired by  Associate Professor  Susie Ho of Monash University, panelists shared their valuable experiences of fostering mutually beneficial, authentic, and sustainable partnerships across the Asia Pacific. 
Session Two was an opportunity to hear stories from across the region. Participants reflected on the role of universities in climate empowerment and their role as a partner more broadly. Grounded in the concept and power of story-telling, participants heard case studies from representatives from Monash University, UNSW, The University of Waikato, The University of Auckland, Amnesty International Global Youth Collective, Deakin University,Presync, HCLTech and Massey University who shared their partnership experiences, lessons, challenges and opportunities. 

The outcomes and perspectives shared from the Symposium will be shared at COP28 in December 2023 at the Monash University Pavilion (8 Dec) and within the Australian Pavilion (11 Dec). 

We would like to acknowledge the generous support from the UNSW Business School, UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture, and UNSW Engineering. 

You can hear a recording of the expert panel discussion in Session 1: State of Play, Effective Climate Partnerships in the Asia Pacific here.


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