Universities Tackling Scope 3 Emissions | The Supply Chain
Universities have the capacity to demonstrate leadership toward achieving net zero emissions. As we approach 2030, the global higher education sector among others, will see a rise in mandatory reporting against Scope 3 emissions. While disclosure is not the end goal, the higher education sector must be able to measure, track and report Scope 3 emissions transparently, to enable informed decision making to reduce emissions to ensure climate action targets are met.
Presented by the International Universities Climate Alliance (IUCA) as part of the Global Thematic Dialogue Series, this event will consider perspectives on operationalising and actioning the reduction of emissions within the supply chain of universities.
As increases in supply chain expenditure levels continue to build back to pre-pandemic levels, following a substantial reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will explore the roadblocks and opportunities for meaningful acceleration on Scope 3 emissions reduction.
This Dialogue presents an opportunity for informed knowledge exchange especially for those globally who are accountable for actioning Scope 3 emissions targets and for those who can enable acceleration of action in this area.
Some topic areas that may be considered;
- Obtaining reliable and accurate data, including in complex cases.
- Reporting and applying statistical expertise to data to understand insights into Scope 3 emissions. Insights that can best inform targeted decision making.
- Navigating ambiguity within the global voluntary standards landscape.
- Optimising informed supplier engagement. Engaging with and obtaining data directly from suppliers or via third parties.
- Nature Positive Scope 3 Emissions reduction.
- Platforms and systems to capture and track Scope 3/supplier/product data.
- Varying taxonomy.
- University structures and governance processes to effectively enable regulated enterprise-wide action.
As this is a Global Thematic Dialogue, we are offering two time zone options (subject to demand). You will be asked to indicate your preference when registering.